again and directly above it, paste the code highlighted below:
==> Save the Template
==> Go back to "Template" > Edit HTML. Use CTRL F to find < data :post. body/ > .
Make sure you close the space.
Replace it with the code below:
==> Save the template
NB: Your template might have 2 or more < data: post.body/ > codes. You have to identify correct one by using "try and error" trick. The 2nd or 3rd instance works in most templates though.
==> Go to "New Post" > "Options". Ensure you select "Press Enter for line breaks".
That's all.
To make it appear on mobile view, find < b: includable id='mobile-post' var='post' > in your HTML and replace the
I hope it works for you.
If it doesn't work for you, you can simply revert the changes by uploading the back up you created before implementing the trick.
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